Online Application

Thank You for Your Interest in Lancaster Head Start/Early Head Start.

Lancaster Head Start/Early Head Start is a quality comprehensive early childhood education program for pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and children ages 3-5 years old. We provide Head Start and Early Head Start services in early learning, health, and family well-being through our center based and home-based options.

Lancaster Head Start/Early Head Start is continuously recruiting families throughout the year. Applicants MUST reside in Lancaster County to be eligible for our program. Applying does NOT guarantee your child a slot. Selections are based on eligibility and the needs of the child. Before applying, please read the requirements that are needed below.

Required Documentation

Select the above if you or your family are first time applicants.

If you have previously submitted an application, either for yourself or for a child in your family, please click the "Former Applicants" button to complete the form. Once you have submitted this form, please contact the school and ask to speak to an ERSEA specialist.

Seleccione la solicitud "Antiguos solicitantes" de arriba si usted o su familia han enviado una solicitud anteriormente.

Seleccione lo anterior si usted o su familia son solicitantes por primera vez.

Additional Questions???

Head Start:
KeeKee Truesdale,
Email KeeKee Truesdale

Early Head Start:
Melissa Jenkins,
Email Melissa Jenkins